Pardus is a free Massive Multiplayer Online Browser Game (MMOBG) playing in a future where traders, pirates and other pilots of various races and factions strive to gain wealth and fame in space. "Pardus is a really fun space trader type game. It is highly focused on player interaction and it has just about the friendlyest player base I have ever seen in my entire life. When I first started doing things I got private messages all over the place with people asking if I wanted help or offering me good to help me get started. [...]" - user comment
November, 2002
New release date
Posted by Bladefist on November 20, 2002 at 11:00:00 PM (156 views)
The official release date has been moved back to 12/4. Read the official statement from Infogrames here.
Part I of the MoO3 backstory has been posted at the official site. -> Link
New preview of Master of Orion II
Posted by Bladefist on November 15, 2002 at 10:59:00 PM (269 views)
GameSpy has posted a new preview of Master of Orion 3. ->Link
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Master of Orion is a registered trademark of Infogrames Entertainment
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