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Pardus is a free Massive Multiplayer Online Browser Game (MMOBG) playing in a future where traders, pirates and other pilots of various races and factions strive to gain wealth and fame in space.

"I am sure that Pardus is the Heroin of the Internet." - user comment


November, 2001

Population Growth Update
Posted by Bladefist on November 24, 2001 at 10:44:00 PM (155 views)
I've updated the population growth data dump. Information about biospheres and the economics of population points have been added.

Posted by Bladefist on November 23, 2001 at 10:44:00 PM (144 views)
I'm currently working on updating the population data dump.

Economy Part II
Posted by Bladefist on November 15, 2001 at 10:44:00 PM (146 views)
The second part of economy in MoO3 has been posted. Not much to summarize there, I only corrected some spelling mistakes and added the economic overview to the features. More parts to follow in the next days..

The Economic Model
Posted by Bladefist on November 13, 2001 at 10:43:00 PM (150 views)
The first part (term definitions) of the economic model data dump has been posted on the official MoO3 boards. I've added it to the features, the next parts will be summarized and added as soon as it's released.

New content
Posted by Bladefist on November 07, 2001 at 10:43:00 PM (183 views)
The history section goes online. I hope you like it. I've uploaded a few more screenshots too, you'll find them in the history section - and they are a bit different

Under construction
Posted by Bladefist on November 05, 2001 at 10:43:00 PM (154 views)
The History section is nearly done and will be uploaded soon.

More sections online
Posted by Bladefist on November 03, 2001 at 10:43:00 PM (149 views)
I've uploaded several screenshots, interviews and added the events engine design document to the downloads. Next to finish is the History section.

Posted by Bladefist on November 03, 2001 at 10:43:00 PM (158 views)
I've updated the features section and added articles about the population growth and weapons in Master of Orion 3.

Features Section online
Posted by Bladefist on November 02, 2001 at 10:42:00 PM (149 views)
The site is still under construction, but the Features section is online now. I've added some links to other great Master of Orion 3 sites too. The History, Screenshots and Interviews sections will go online in a few days.

The site is under construction...
Posted by Bladefist on November 01, 2001 at 10:41:00 PM (150 views)
The Master of Orion 3 Guardian web site is under construction. It will probably be ready to use in a week or two.

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Concept art, screen shots, game graphics and other assets are provided courtesy of Quicksilver Software, Inc. and are used by permission. Copyright (c) 2001 Quicksilver Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Master of Orion is a registered trademark of Infogrames Entertainment S.A. Neither Quicksilver nor Infogrames Entertainment S.A. have reviewed or recommended any other content on this site.



Pardus - Free Massive Multiplayer Online Browser Game

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