First news that have nothing to do with MoO, except some small similarities (space, galactic news network). After about one and a half year of development we proudly present you the alpha version of the massive multiplayer online browser game "Pardus". From the manual: Located in a technologically well evolved but from past wars shattered universe one plays an adventurer who -as do many others- travels around in his spaceship and tries to make money and obtain power. There are many ways to accomplish this: Mining raw materials, manufacturing goods in own factories and trading them, carrying out assignments, bounty hunting, plundering buildings, etc. The focus, however, lies on trade, though it is possible to get rich just by doing jobs or vicious piracy.
This is the start of the Open Alpha, which means that there are still some bugs and many more features will be added in the future (everyone is invited to offer new ideas). Join here: Some graphics (appear smaller ingame) |  |  | Starbase | Weapons Factory | | |  |  | Viper Defence Craft | Hercules |