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Pardus is a free Massive Multiplayer Online Browser Game (MMOBG) playing in a future where traders, pirates and other pilots of various races and factions strive to gain wealth and fame in space.

"In the great lake of MMORPGs Pardus sticks out like no other. Pardus is a space based ’ship’ sim with gameplay very much similiar to old BBC Micro Elite classic, and delving further into the game reveals inspirations from the Master of Orion series and other games of the space genre." - user comment


August, 2006

New Graphics Package
Posted by Warcaster on August 08, 2006 at 03:29:30 PM (0 views)
MasterMasterMod v1.0.0
This single .exe package has been put together by WolvenSpectre to simplify the installation of some of the most popular graphics mods.Download here .

The installation exe includes:
Gofur's Moo3 UI and update in a single package
Bard of Prey's Race Balace Mod 1.2
Diplomod 2
Starnames v1
Encyclomod v4.3
Improved Tech Descriptions v4
Mythics Moo2 Flagpack
Various PlanetSkins (most by Dark Crimson)

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Concept art, screen shots, game graphics and other assets are provided courtesy of Quicksilver Software, Inc. and are used by permission. Copyright (c) 2001 Quicksilver Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Master of Orion is a registered trademark of Infogrames Entertainment S.A. Neither Quicksilver nor Infogrames Entertainment S.A. have reviewed or recommended any other content on this site.



Pardus - Free Massive Multiplayer Online Browser Game

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