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Pardus is a free Massive Multiplayer Online Browser Game (MMOBG) playing in a future where traders, pirates and other pilots of various races and factions strive to gain wealth and fame in space.

"[...] i have played alot of online games in my past (almost 15 years now..i'm 30...hehehe) and this has to be the most enjoyable game that i have played." - user comment


August, 2004

MoO3 Meta Patch News
Posted by Bladefist on August 22, 2004 at 12:06:54 AM (361 views)
Today a beta version of Module 1 of the patch has been released for testing. Hopefully, if all goes well, within a month it will be released to the public. If you'd like to help testing join us in our meta patch forum and sign up as a tester.

MoO3 Meta Patch
Posted by Bladefist on August 10, 2004 at 01:43:40 PM (271 views)
You may have already heard of our project, the Unofficial Official Meta Patch for MoO3. We're trying to breathe some life back into our beloved MoO III. For the immediate future, our goal is to fix as much as possible in the game that is considered broke. Gameplay killers are first on the agenda (stuck tech, finance bug, visibility, etc.) with the non-gamekilling bugs being a close second (correctly working Military DEA's, Planetary shields).

We need help from all you MoO3 gamers and modders. Take part in our project by modding the game and fixing known gameplay killers and by testing the created fixes.

So what we need is both modders and testers. Please have a look at our board at and sign up in the Sign-up Sheet stating your area of preference.

If you have ideas you'd like to see in the game, or removed from the game, we have an entire forum dedicated to brainstorming called "Comments and Suggestions". For this forum, you don't even have to log on.

AngleWyrm's New Leaf Mod
Posted by Bladefist on August 08, 2004 at 10:38:32 AM (245 views)
Being already included in mod packs like the MegaMod, AngleWyrm's New Leaf mod is now seperately available in our mod archive.

AngleWyrm's New Leaf mod

Next MoO3 sound mod
Posted by Bladefist on August 06, 2004 at 06:28:49 PM (213 views)
MarvinKosh has released his next sound mod for Master of Orion 3. Unlike his previous mod, this one replaces all the UI sounds.

MarvinKosh's UI sound mod

New MoO3 sound mod
Posted by Bladefist on August 02, 2004 at 03:21:58 AM (248 views)
We've got a new modification in our archive.

Here's a description from the author of the mod:

For some reason the sounds for the big buttons seemed to grate a bit on my ears. I borrowed three sound files from XCOM: Interceptor's UI and ran them through the wave editor so they hopefully sound a little less intrusive. It's a tricky thing to replace since the sounds of each department being opened and closed is very frequently heard.

Department buttons UI sounds

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Concept art, screen shots, game graphics and other assets are provided courtesy of Quicksilver Software, Inc. and are used by permission. Copyright (c) 2001 Quicksilver Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Master of Orion is a registered trademark of Infogrames Entertainment S.A. Neither Quicksilver nor Infogrames Entertainment S.A. have reviewed or recommended any other content on this site.



Pardus - Free Massive Multiplayer Online Browser Game

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