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Pardus is a free Massive Multiplayer Online Browser Game (MMOBG) playing in a future where traders, pirates and other pilots of various races and factions strive to gain wealth and fame in space.

"I was driven away by playing multiplayer. [...] Then Pardus came out, which is a GREAT browser based MMOSBS and it fazed out MOO3 within a day or 2." - user comment


July, 2003

MegaMod v5.5
Posted by Bladefist on July 29, 2003 at 10:57:47 PM (150 views)
Jebus27 has released version 5.5 of the MegaMod. It's now fully compatible with the latest MoO3 patch.

It includes the following modifications:

GreyModPack Final 2
Encyclopedia_Mod_v3 Plus More Info added by JeBuS
ExtremePumkin's blackhole mod
MOO3StarPack v002
Mithyk's Spy Mod
NebulaMod by UnConeD
Task Force Size Mod by Orion Sector
Orion Sector Flag Packs 1 & 2
Mythik's Flag Pack Addon
Visage's Autobuilder Mod
NewLeaf Mod
Bard_of_Prey's Race Balance Mod
BlackHat's OrionSenateLaws Mod
BlackHat's Sitrep and Tech Icon Mod
Bard_of_Prey's Galaxy Configuration Mod

Get it here.

Bard of Prey's Race Balance Mod v1.2
Posted by Bladefist on July 28, 2003 at 05:00:21 PM (261 views)
Bard of Prey has released a new version of his Race Balance Mod (completely compatible with the 1.2.5 patch).

Here's a brief description:
"This is an updated version of my Race Balance Mod. It makes a number of changes, including the following: removes ground combat trait picks (they don't work), and makes the ground combat abilities part of racial hardwiring; rebalances the hardwiring bonuses and race pick bonuses; adds a brand new race pick (Social Order); updates the in-game descriptions of race picks and adds hardwiring bonuses to the in-game race descriptions.

There are also a bunch of minor changes, including a change to habitability preferences (to put Harvesters back on cold planets), and a few bug fixes. Full details can be found in the enclosed readme file."

--> Bard of Prey's Race Balance Mod v1.2

MoO3 Mod updates
Posted by Bladefist on July 28, 2003 at 01:51:52 AM (249 views)
Ivader-Zim has updated his mods:

--> Auto Migration Mod v2.2
Small Update for game balance.
Balancing Fixes.
Ithkul Were infecting to many worlds.
Etherean Were Also.

--> Invader Mod v2.4b Spreadsheets

--> Invader Mod v2.5 Full

New Mod and Strategies
Posted by Bladefist on July 26, 2003 at 02:20:14 PM (255 views)
Xeryx has finished the first non beta version of his Weapons and Technology mod. It's the first revamp of MoO3's weapons systems.

--> Xeryx's Weapons and Technology Mod v1.0

I've also received two short MoO3 ground combat strategies. Thanks to the submitters!

--> Ground Combat Strategies

LightSpeed Website Optimizer
Posted by Bladefist on July 26, 2003 at 02:02:04 AM (242 views)
If you'd like to know what else I'm doing except playing Master of Orion and keeping the Guardian up to date..

I've finished writing a little freeware program to compress the source code of web documents. It has some more features that I've included mostly because I've needed them myself

--> Bladefist's Freeware Corner

New MoO3 mods
Posted by Bladefist on July 23, 2003 at 04:14:32 PM (124 views)
I've added the following mods to the archive:

Long Live Leaders v3.0 by FieryDove
Max Race Picks v2.0 by FieryDove
No Spy Mod by FieryDove
Galaxy Collection v1.2 by rhyssan

Our mod archive
Posted by Bladefist on July 22, 2003 at 09:45:23 PM (262 views)
I've created a new section for mods working with MoO3 version 1.2.5.

There are also a few very promising new mods and updates:

Auto-Migration Mod v2.0 by Invader-Zim
Invader Mod v2.4 by Invader-Zim
MoO3 Savegame Editor v0.51 by Bhruic

MoO3 Patch 1.2.5 released
Posted by Bladefist on July 18, 2003 at 10:18:20 PM (246 views)
The 1.2.5 patch has been approved by Atari and is now available.

Saved games and mods from the original release will be 'broken' by this patch, and will not work. Saved games and mods from the beta (1.2) patch will work, but may not take full advantage of the new changes.

Download the patch here.

And here's the updated install validation utility.

Some time today..
Posted by Bladefist on July 18, 2003 at 01:06:34 PM (129 views)
The self-extracting install version of the 1.2.5 patch is expected to be approved for release some time July 18 (California time).
For a list of the bugfixes and structural changes of the spreadsheets (important for modders and mod users) join our forum discussion.

MoO3 News
Posted by Bladefist on July 16, 2003 at 02:02:14 PM (127 views)
Constantine "Chantz" Hantzopoulos, Sr. Producer at Atari, answered some questions at the official forums regarding the patch and MoO3's future.

"1st, the patch. It?s looking good and we hopefully plan on releasing it this Friday afternoon; QA has not blessed it (we?ll find out Fri), but there are no showstoppers and we?re testing self extracting install. If we hit a horrendous installer bug that wipes out your HD or makes your computer explode, we won?t ship it. Chances are slim to none, but you never know until QA says so. Cool? Thanks.

Now, onto the questions.

1) Is there any hope of an Expansion Pack for MOO3?
There?s always hope, but right now I?d say no. That may change, but for the immediate future, I?d say no. I wish it were different.

2) Will there be further support (i.e.- patches) beyond the one currently undergoing QA testing?
We?ll have to see. I hope so. There?s really nothing more I can say on that right now. That?s between QSI and Atari.

3) Did MOO3 perform as expected sales-wise? (I?m pretty sure you cannot answer this one specifically, but perhaps simply a Good/ Fair/ Poor would suffice.)

4) Is there any hope for a continuation of the MOO franchise in the foreseeable future?
Within the next few years?probably not; I really don?t have any control over that. I can influence and suggest, but I?m not the bottom line. As you say, I may be the face of Atari on these boards, but I have no say in the overall final product line decision. It?s my job to find developers and match them with products and then see that process through till the game ships. Again, I have some influence, but the buck does not stop with me. Not by a long shot. Personally, I would most certainly like to do a MOO4. I think Atari would be open to the idea as well, but not right now, not in the immediate future. We have other strategy titles, both TBS and RTS in the works. It?s a BIG part of our studios business and a solid market, especially on the PC. I can only talk about what?s public knowledge (Pirates 2, Civ exp); I?m not a pr guy, I?m a dev guy and am not supposed to talk about stuff that?s not announced (for obvious reasons)."

MoO3 Savegame Editor v0.5
Posted by Bladefist on July 15, 2003 at 06:54:23 PM (144 views)
Version 0.5 of Bhruic's MoO3 Savegame Editor is out. Several features have been added and bugs have been fixed, here's the list of changes:
- Added filter to remove obsolete ships from the shiplist
- Added ability to toggle a system connection between starlane and wormhole
- Added menu function to explore the full galaxy
- Added menu function to remove all wormholes from the galaxy
- Moved the "flatten galaxy" feature to the menu
- Added progress bars to functions that take time to complete so it's obvious something is happening
- Added sort feature to the "System List" window - currently sorts alphabetically
- Added basic Planet editing features
- Added basic Region editing features
- Added "Save As" option to facilitate file renaming
- Fixed "explored" setting to properly handle starlanes
- Moved Player editing to separate window
- Added ability to change game settings - victory conditions/difficulty level/combat & turn timers
- Added Race editing
- Fixed renaming Systems
- Fixed memory leak(s)
- Rearranged Galaxy Editor dialog
- Fixed problem with reading registry key
- Fixed error caused by translating negative numbers less than 1
- Added "owner" list to planet table to make it easier to figure out what planets are colonized
- Fixed various "Starlane" issues
- Added current starlanes to Starlane list
- Added sort feature to "Starlane Connection" list - currently sorts alphabetically
- Fixed crash on "Antaran X" special (unused in "Specials.txt" by default)
- Added ability to change empire names
- Added ability to edit regions "globally"
- Fixed crash triggered by adding missiles/fighters

--> MoO3 Savegame Editor v0.5

Xeryx's Tech and Weapons Mod *Beta*
Posted by Bladefist on July 14, 2003 at 02:38:24 AM (230 views)
Xeryx has released his new MoO3 modification "Xeryx's Tech and Weapons Mod". It's in beta phase and still needs some testing for balancing issues.

Go here for the download and description.

This is the place to give Xeryx feedback about the mod.

New MoO3 mods
Posted by Bladefist on July 13, 2003 at 10:02:27 PM (119 views)
I've received four new mods:

Invader Mod v2.2E Full by Invader-Zim
Invader Mod v2.2D4 Spreadsheets Only by Invader-Zim
Tech and SitRep Icons Mod by BlackHat
Encyclopedia Mod v4.3 by Stormhawk

I've also added a new strategy guide by Zodicus. In "Planetary Development Concepts and Tools for Macromanagers" you'll get a greater understanding of economics in MoO3.

New strategy and fan fic
Posted by Bladefist on July 12, 2003 at 03:46:21 PM (125 views)
Thanks to Thorax for submitting his strategy for MoO3 space combat "Hit and Run".

--> Strategies (Space Combat)

We've also got a great new piece of fan fiction by Hydro. "Ithkul Gambit" is inspired by one of his favorite tactics in diplomacy.

Read about First Diplomat T:Sar's skills in diplomacy and the rise of the Eoladi Empire here.

MoO3 Dev Chat Log
Posted by Bladefist on July 11, 2003 at 11:41:10 PM (122 views)
I was unable to attend the chat but fortunately Stormhawk posted a log and a summary of all Q&As at the official forums.

Here's the link to the thread.

Chat session with the MoO3 devs
Posted by Bladefist on July 09, 2003 at 12:09:46 AM (124 views)
The following has been posted at the Atari Forums:

Coming wednesday the 9th of July there will be a chat session with several of the MoO3 developers, including Floyd (design), Greg (programming), Steve (programming), Vince (UI) and Rantz (design).

For all of those who are interested in attending, be in the chat at 11 am PST, that is 7 pm GMT and 8 pm CET for those europeans like me.

The chat can be found through the link up right on the forums, or, and this is preferably, via a normal IRC client like mIRC or Xchat. Connect to the server and join channel #moo3.

We're still busy with how we're going to handle the chat the best, but it probably will be something along the lines that you send your questions for the QSI crew to one of the present ops and they will send it to the guys for answer. But as I said, we're still working on it, so it might be a bit different.

New encyclopedia mod
Posted by Bladefist on July 08, 2003 at 12:54:39 PM (125 views)
I've found an interesting post at the official Atari forums. Stormhawk has begun enhancing Archangel Brian's Encyclopedia Mod.
So far he has added:
-Space Combat Mechanics (visage)
-Dev Plan Guide (Da_Blade)
-Magnates & Migration (QSI)
-"How to get the AI to build the Big Boys" (Chadmium)
-Updated planetary specials
-Completed Hull size spaces
-Added Atmosphere and Temperature preferences to the Race Descriptions.

Check this thread for more information and the download.

New MoO3 Mod
Posted by Bladefist on July 07, 2003 at 01:29:40 PM (235 views)
I've added the Orion Senate Laws Mod by BlackHat to our archive.
This mod doesn't change the effects of laws but the text. A proposal might say "This law will X and Y." and the description says "If passed, this law will X and Y." All 25 "computer proposed" proposal and description blocks and some of the summary and sitrep texts have been re-written.

--> Orion Senate Laws Mod

MoO3 Strategies
Posted by Bladefist on July 06, 2003 at 11:28:31 PM (124 views)
I've sorted all of our MoO3 strategy guides in the corresponding strategies sections. I've also updated Tom Hughes' Economy 101 Strategy Series and added "Regional Zoning Strategies" by Zodicus.

--> MoO3 Strategies

CombatFX+ v1.0
Posted by Bladefist on July 06, 2003 at 03:43:25 AM (127 views)
Today I've added the CombatFX+ modification by Velli to our archive. It replaces the original MoO3 combat sounds and several effect animations. You can find screenshots of the new effects in our gallery.

--> CombatFX+ v1.0

The Spellforce Companion
Posted by Bladefist on July 03, 2003 at 11:04:07 PM (133 views)
Some of you might have already heard of "Spellforce - The Order of Dawn". It is a real time strategy game comparable to Warcraft3, with role-playing and tactical elements and impressive graphics.
Have a look at those (ingame) screenshots:

Today, the first english Spellforce fan site, The Spellforce Companion, went online. Design and Content by Fireblade. Hosted at the MoO3 Guardian.
--> The Spellforce Companion

Government Mod
Posted by Bladefist on July 02, 2003 at 10:06:45 PM (131 views)
Bard of Prey has updated his Government Mod to work with MoO3 v1.2. Here's a brief description:

This mod rebalances the various Governments and Government Series available in the game. The Government Series have been rebalanced so that Representative and Collectivist Governments justify their cost in 'race pick points', and the specific Governments are changed so that they are balanced against each other within each Series. The specific effects of each Government have also been changed to make them more 'realistic' and varied, and to ensure that each form of government is useful in different situations.
Finally, all of the in-game descriptions and Encyclopedia entries for Governments and Governments Series have been completely re-written, and sections added to the Encyclopedia to list detailed effects of each Government in-game. The Encyclopedia setions have been provided in separate text files so that they do not conflict with any existing Encyclopedia mods you may be using.

--> Bard of Prey's Government Mod v1.2

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Concept art, screen shots, game graphics and other assets are provided courtesy of Quicksilver Software, Inc. and are used by permission. Copyright (c) 2001 Quicksilver Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Master of Orion is a registered trademark of Infogrames Entertainment S.A. Neither Quicksilver nor Infogrames Entertainment S.A. have reviewed or recommended any other content on this site.



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