Invader Zim has released version 4.9 of the Invader Mod: Ascension into Chaos
It includes:
* Myros Red Gui
* INVADER-ZIMs NavShipIcons
* Arcites first Diamond Shaped Starpack MOO3StarPack v1
* Space Combat FX 3.0 (Combat FX 2.0 + GFX 1.0 + his own fixes.)
MegaMod v6.9: The Antaran Rebellion is one of the two last versions of MegaMod to be released by Invader Zim.
It is now fully compatible with Bhruic's Visibility Patch and Autobuild.
It includes:
* Gofurs GUI with newest updates.
* 255 TaskForces.
* Bomber Heavy Bomber and Assault Fighter Chassis added.
* Planetary Shields |