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Pardus is a free Massive Multiplayer Online Browser Game (MMOBG) playing in a future where traders, pirates and other pilots of various races and factions strive to gain wealth and fame in space.

"It seems like a combination of Escape Velocity and Tradewars / Drugwars, which is probably the highest praise I could give a browser game." - user comment

Bard of Prey's Government Mod v1.0
Posted by Bladefist on April 23, 2003 at 12:53:18 AM (195 views)
Bard of Prey has mailed me his newest modification, and here is the description:

This mod rebalances the various Governments and Government Series available in the game. The Government Series have been rebalanced so that Representative and Collectivist Governments justify their cost in 'race pick points', and the specific Governments are changed so that they are balanced against each other within each Series.

Steps have been taken to eliminate the exploit whereby players could reduce their HFOG easily at the expense of the AI. Difficulty levels have all been changed, and the difficulty of every level above 'Easy' has been significantly increased, in the hopes of having the AI provide a greater challenge.

Finally, all of the in-game descriptions and Encyclopedia entries for Governments and Governments Series have been completely re-written, and sections added to the Encyclopedia to list detailed effects of each Government in-game. The Encyclopedia setions have been provided in separate text files so that they do not conflict with any existing Encyclopedia mods you may be using.

Thanks for the great work, Bard of Prey.

As usual you can find the mod in our mods archive.

Gameplay Changes


General Considerations:
- Government Series' get noticeably better as they go up from Absolutist through Representative to Collective
- Absolutist gov's approximately 'zero out' with regard to bonuses/penalties
- Representative gov's provide net bonuses equivalent to approx. 30-40 'race pick points'
- Collectivist gov's provide net bonuses equivalent to approx. 60 'race pick points'
- Governments within each Series are made more distinct, and at the same time more balanced against one another
- each has its own proper place and time, and will benefit different races, stages of the game, and situations more than others
- effects have been made broader (more modifiers), and in some cases more subtle than before
- new effects include modifiers to: Fleet Maintenance, Cement/Test Tubes per Pop point, AUs from Rare and Craftsman materials, MeansWar values, Pollution generation, Population Growth and general unrest rates.

Absolutist Series
- Despotism
- BioHaEff *=1.1, MineEff *=1.1, ManufEff *=0.9, ReseaEff *=0.85, SPortEff *=0.85, MilEff *=1.3, RecEff *=0.7
- HFofGovt *=0.95, OpprCost *=0.95, mPopGrow *=0.95, FltMaint *=0.8, MeansWar +=-1, mdUnrest +=7
- GovDEAUnrestReduction = 0.5; MilDEAUnrestReduction = 1.5
- Oppressometer = 6 (7 for Harvesters); Slave Oppress = 6 (7 for Harvesters)
- Total Tax = 35, Empire Tax = 30, System Tax = 10
- Monarchy
- BioHaEff *=1.25,MineEff *=1.2,ManufEff *=0.95,ReseaEff *=0.9,SPortEff *=0.9,RecEff *=0.8
- HFofGovt *=1, OpprCost *=0.97, FltMaint *=0.9, mdUnrest +=5
- GovDEAUnrestReduction = 0.75; MilDEAUnrestReduction = 1.25
- Oppressometer = 5 (6 for Harvesters); Slave Oppress = 5 (7 for Harvesters)
- Total Tax = 37, Empire Tax = 25, System Tax = 12
- Oligarchy
- ManufEff *=1.05, ReseaEff *=1.1, SPortEff *=1.1, GovEff *=0.9, RecEff *=0.8
- HFofGovt *=1, OpprCost *=1.05, mdUnrest +=5
- GovDEAUnrestReduction = 0.75; MilDEAUnrestReduction = 1.25
- Oppressometer = 4 (5 for Harvesters); Slave Oppress = 4 (7 for Harvesters)
- Total Tax = 38, Empire Tax = 25, System Tax = 15
- Constitutional Monarchy
- BioHaEff *=1.1, SPortEff *=1.05
- HFofGovt *=1.05, OpprCost *=1.1
- GovDEAUnrestReduction = 1; MilDEAUnrestReduction = 1
- Oppressometer = 4 (5 for Harvesters); Slave Oppress = 3 (7 for Harvesters)
- Total Tax = 36, Empire Tax = 22, System Tax = 12
Representative Series
- Corporate
- BioHRare *=1.25, MineRare *=1.25, ManufEff *=1.05, CraftsMa *=1.15, ReseaEff *=1.15, SPortEff *=1.25, MilEff *=0.85, GovEff *=0.85
- HFofGovt *=1.05, OpprCost *=1.1, FltMaint *=1.15, Pollutio *=1.2, mdUnrest +=5
- GovDEAUnrestReduction = 1; MilDEAUnrestReduction = 1
- Oppressometer = 4 (5 for Harvesters); Slave Oppress = 3 (7 for Harvesters)
- Total Tax = 35, Empire Tax = 17, System Tax = 13
- Democracy
- CemprPop *=2, TTperPop *=2, SPortEff *=1.15, GovEff *=1.2, RecEff *=1.3
- HFofGovt *=1.1, OpprCost *=1.15, mPopGrow *=1.05, MeansWar +=1, mdUnrest +=-5
- GovDEAUnrestReduction = 1.5; MilDEAUnrestReduction = 0.5
- Oppressometer = 2 (3 for Harvesters); Slave Oppress = 2 (7 for Harvesters)
- Total Tax = 30, Empire Tax = 10, System Tax = 10
- Parliamentary
- BioHaEff *=1.2, MineEff *=1.2, ManufEff *=1.05, SPortEff *=1.05, RecEff *=1.1
- HFofGovt *=1.2, OpprCost *=1.25, mPopGrow *=1.1, mdUnrest +=-2, Pollutio *=0.95
- GovDEAUnrestReduction = 1.5; MilDEAUnrestReduction = 0.5
- Oppressometer = 3 (4 for Harvesters); Slave Oppress = 2 (7 for Harvesters)
- Total Tax = 34, Empire Tax = 18, System Tax = 10
- Republicanism
- ManufEff *=1.1, ReseaEff *=1.1, SPortEff *=1.2, MilEff *=1.1, GovEff *=1.2
- HFofGovt *=1.15, OpprCost *=1.2
- GovDEAUnrestReduction = 1.25; MilDEAUnrestReduction = 0.75
- Oppressometer = 3 (4 for Harvesters); Slave Oppress = 2 (7 for Harvesters)
- Total Tax = 32, Empire Tax = 12, System Tax = 13
Collectivist Series
- Hive
- BioHaEff *=1.25, MineEff *=1.25, ManufEff *=1.35, ReseaEff *=0.8, SPortEff *=0.9, RecEff *=0.75
- HFofGovt *=0.90, OpprCost *=0.95, mdUnrest +=-5
- GovDEAUnrestReduction = 1; MilDEAUnrestReduction = 1
- Oppressometer = 7 (8 for Harvesters); Slave Oppress = 4 (7 for Harvesters)
- Total Tax = 40, Empire Tax = 25, System Tax = 15
- Unification
- BioHaEff *=1.15, MineEff *=1.15, ManufEff *=1.2, ReseaEff *=0.95
- HFofGovt *=0.90, OpprCost *=0.95, mdUnrest +=-3
- GovDEAUnrestReduction = 1; MilDEAUnrestReduction = 1
- Oppressometer = 6 (7 for Harvesters); Slave Oppress = 4 (7 for Harvesters)
- Total Tax = 38, Empire Tax = 24, System Tax = 14


Reduced effect on HFOG to 0.9 (from 0.5)for Same Series, 0.75 (from 0.25) for Different Series (likely unused)
Increased unrest generated by 50%


Minor tweaks to some probabitlites for enhanced variety/realism


General Changes
- changed '+=' bonuses to DEA efficiency to '*=' percentage bonuses to prevent overshadowing race modifiers
- removed bonuses to spy skills... too much chance to drown out racial bonuses, and spying is frustrating enough as it is
- removed modifiers to Oppression Cost
- increased general level of difficulty at all levels above Easy (see below)
- standardized efficiency bonuses to DEAs (Bio, Mine, Manuf, Resea, SPort)
- 10% at Medium, 25% at Hard and 50% at Impossible
- added similar efficiency bonuses to Recreation, Military and Government DEAs in lieu of mdUnrest modifiers
- doubled effect of HFOG bonuses at all levels above Easy
- increased bonus to fleet maintenance at Hard and Impossible levels
- changed to -25% and -50% respectively (from -20% and -30%)
- increased reduction to pollution generated and terraforming cost at Impossible level
- up to -25% from -20%
- increased bonus to population growth slightly at Impossible level
- up to +25% from +20%

New Values
- Easy: No modifiers
- Medium: mPopGrow *= 1.05, BioHaEff *= 1.1, MineEff *= 1.1, ManufEff *= 1.1, ReseaEff *= 1.1, SPortEff *= 1.1, RecEff *=1.1, MilEff *=1.1, GovEff *=1.1, Pollutio *= 0.95, TFormCst *= 0.95, HFofGovt *= 0.9, FltMaint *=0.9
- Hard: mPopGrow *= 1.1, BioHaEff *= 1.25, MineEff *= 1.25, ManufEff *= 1.25, ReseaEff *= 1.25, SPortEff *= 1.25, RecEff *=1.25, MilEff *=1.25, GovEff *=1.25, Pollutio *= 0.9, TFormCst *= 0.9, HFofGovt *= 0.8, FltMaint *=0.75
- Impossible: mPopGrow *= 1.25, BioHaEff *= 1.5, MineEff *= 1.5, ManufEff *= 1.5, ReseaEff *= 1.5, SPortEff *= 1.5, RecEff *=1.5, MilEff *=1.5, GovEff *=1.5, Pollutio *= 0.75, TFormCst *= 0.75, HFofGovt *= 0.75, FltMaint *=0.5

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